Houston weight loss specialists at OB Men provide guidance with creating comprehensive, effective weight loss plans utilizing Tirzepatide for patients in and around Houston.

Tirzepatide is a dual-agonist drug that is shown to deliver more powerful weight loss results than single-agonists. Tirzepatide is an effective prescription for those living with Type 2 Diabetes, but its benefits can easily be harnessed by non-diabetics as part of their health and wellness journey. Working through receptors to promote hormones that regulate blood glucose levels and curb appetite, Tirzepatide works by improving insulin sensitivity–allowing cells to absorb glucose at a faster rate while decreasing fat storage.

Administered through weekly injections, Tirzepatide provides an effective solution to achieve your health and wellness goals. To maximize these positive effects, however, it’s important to couple the medication with healthy diet and lifestyle choices. Houston weight loss specialists at OB Men can help you start your journey toward optimal health and wellbeing by incorporating Tirzepatide into your comprehensive weight loss regimen!

Houston weight loss specialist OB Ment is here to help amp up your weight loss journey with the benefits of Tirzepatide. Call (713) 770-6226 to set up a consultation with OB Men today!

How Tirzepatide Works for Weight Loss

Utilizing Tirzepatide as a weight loss aid has been proven to help reduce body weight, boost metabolism and fat burning, and improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Additionally, it effectively reduces hunger and cravings. Tirzepatide works by targeting the body’s natural satiety functions:

Glucagon-like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a satiety hormone naturally produced by the intestine. Tirzepatide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that signals the body to produce insulin in order to regulate high blood sugar levels. By releasing hormones such as insulin and glucagon, it helps to reduce cravings, diminish appetite, and evoke feelings of satiety.

Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP) is a satiety hormone naturally produced by the intestine. By targeting the GIP receptors. Tirzepatide effectively works to reduce your daily caloric intake and boost your energy expenditure–leading to weight loss.

Tirzepatide helps to promote satiety by slowing the passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine–also known as gastric emptying. This means you can remain feeling fuller for longer, promoting healthy portion control and aiding in weight management.

Houston Tirzepatide Treatment

Lose Weight and Feel Great

Call (713) 770-6226 to speak with Houston weight loss specialists at OB Men and schedule a Tirzepatide consultation today!